The Official NBA Refs Twitter Account Put Out One Of The Most Cringeworthy Videos You'll Ever See

Jail. That's the only course of action here. Whoever came up with this idea, I'm sorry but you are now looking at a life sentence. The internet is a wild place that can at times bring a lot of good to the world. Unfortunately, it also produces something like that video you all just watched. Cringey doesn't even begin to describe it. Watching that video gave me second hand embarrassment and I don't even give a shit about Scott Foster & Co. I mean, I give a shit when I see he's working a game involving my favorite team and we know Chris Paul most definitely gives a shit about Scott Foster, but yikes. The best part is you know this video had to be reviewed and approved by multiple people in order to get posted. They took a look at video and were like "yup, nailed it!". The lack of self awareness is truly impressive.

What this also does is give us a look into how these guys view themselves. You know how people say nobody shows up to a game to watch the refs? Good luck trying to tell that to Scott Foster. He thinks he's a star. He thinks people want to see him and are fans. no dude, everyone hates your fucking guts because you do shady shit literally every time you work a game. You would think with how terrible NBA officiating has been this year they would spend their free time getting better at their craft and not making cringey social media videos. It's a real life version of this!

Giphy Images.

I guess this is just life in 2022. Everything has to have a social media team and craves going viral. I mean it worked so credit to them but that doesn't make things any less embarrassing. I can see what the NBA is doing here too. They want Scott Foster to come off as likable given the fact that every single NBA fan knows he's going to do something shady to alter a result. Classic distraction tactic. You can't be worried about Foster's ability to do his job if you're laughing and watching a cool funny social media video! I see right through that shit. This is propaganda at its finest and everyone can see it. 

Instead of making sure the public does not know the names of their officials, the league's account glorifies them and publicizes them in an effort to make them more of a household name. That's smart. That's what you want. Here's what happens next. Scott Foster will pull some normal Scott Foster shenanigans and people will freak out like they always do. The bigger star he's made out to be, the more inclined he is to make his presence felt during an actual game. You don't think he hears all the noise? You don't think he knows his record vs CP3? He loves that shit. He can't resist impacting a game no matter what the situation is. If the NBA thinks things now won't get worse with that, they haven't been paying attention.

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